Decoding ASN.1 File(s)

You can use three modes for decoding file(s). View mode, find mode and replace mode.

View Mode

    You display View Mode dialog by selecting file(s) in file view and choosing in menu View -> CDR(s) View (Shift-C). Then you select format and basic criteria: GZIP option, which main fields you want to decode and how many call records data (CDRs) you want to decode. View mode shows and decodes all CDR(s) matching this basic criteria.

CDR View

Find Mode

    You display Find Mode dialog by selecting file(s) in file view and choosing in menu: Edit -> Find (Mode) (Ctrl-F). Then you select format and basic criteria: GZIP option, which main fields you want to decode and how many CDR(s) want to decode. Besides this you define search field criteria.

    Find Mode Dialog allows:

    • Search field selection
    • Bracket checking
    • Field operators’ selection
        - for numbers: =,<>,>=,<=
        - for text: q (equals), cn (contains), ne (not equals), nc (not contains), sw (starts with), ew (ends with), nsw (not starts with), new (not ends with)
    • Boolean operators’ selection

    Find Mode shows and decodes only CDR(s) which matching all criteria.

Decoding Find

Replace Mode

    You display Replace Mode dialog by selecting file(s) in file view and choosing in menu: Edit -> Replace (Mode) (Ctrl-R). Then you select format and basic criteria: GZIP option, which main fields you want to decode and how many CDR(s) you want to decode. Besides this you define search field criteria and replace field criteria.

    Replace Mode Dialog allows:

    • Search field selection
    • Bracket checking
    • Field operators’ selection
        - for numbers: =,<>,>=,<=
        - for text: q (equals), cn (contains), ne (not equals), nc (not contains), sw (starts with), ew (ends with), nsw (not starts with), new (not ends with)
    • Boolean operators’ selection
    • Replace field selection

    Replace definition:

    • $DEL
        - for field deletion
    • $ADD`Value
        - for adding field when does not exist
    • $ADA`Value
        - for adding field
    • $`X:Y`
        - set new value as substring from original value
        Example: $`1:4` or $`5` or $`:3` or $`4: ` - space is required
    • &`Value,Date_Format`
        - for setting date
          Example: U1273239097 – Unix time
          Example: 20100501100000
        Date Format:
          Example: YYYYMMddHHmmss

          G - Era designator
          y - Year
          M - Month in year
          w - Week in year
          W - Week in month
          D - Day in year
          d - Day in month
          F - Day of week
          E - Day in week
          a - am/pm marker
          H - Hour in day(0-23)
          k - Hour in day(1-24)
          K - Hour in am/pm(0-11)
          h - Hour in am/pm(1-12)
          m - Minute in hour(0-59)
          s - Second in minute(0-59)
          S - Milliseconds
          z - Time zone General time zone
          Z - Time zone RFC 822 time zone
    • ~`Regex/Replace_Value`
        - set new value with regular expression from original value.
        Example: `01.4/333`

    Replace Mode shows only CDR(s) which matching all criteria but decoding and processing all CDR(s).

Decoding Find